About Us:Sound professional advice through in-depth understanding
Natasha Gerber Industrial Psychologists is a multifaceted organisation, providing expertise in Medico-legal / Psycho-Legal work in personal injury, clinical / medical negligence, and divorce matters; and offering Human Capital solutions, Psychometric Assessments, Mediation services, and Career Guidance services.
We are uniquely placed to provide sound professional advice through an in-depth understanding of human and organisational behaviour within the framework of business best practice and organisational psychology models.
What sets Natasha Gerber Industrial Psychologists apart?
- Quality end products and results;
- Conclusions are based on sound research;
- Natasha Gerber is registered with the South African Medico-Legal Association and Health Professions Council of South Africa;
- All employees dealing with Medico-Legal / Psycho-Legal evaluations have substantial experience in the field and are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa;
- Accredited mediators registered at the South African Medico-Legal Association (SAMLA) as Medical Mediators
The team currently consists of two Industrial Psychologists, supported by an Office Manager.

Natasha Gerber
Owner-Operator and Industrial Psychologist (PS 0115495)
Natasha Gerber holds a B.Com (Hons) in Human Resource Management and an M.Com (cum laude) with specialisation in Industrial / Organisational Psychology from the University of Pretoria. She obtained accreditation as a Conflict Dynamics Trained Mediator; and is registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Industrial Psychologist, and with the South African Medico-Legal Association as a Medical Mediator and Medico-Legal Practitioner.
Natasha has obtained extensive and related experience and expertise within the broad domain of the Human Resources Management and Industrial Psychology and her specific areas of expertise include Medico-Legal / Psycho-Legal, Organisational Development, Human Resources Management, Psychometric Evaluation and Assessment, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Project Management and Career Management. Natasha has consulted to private enterprise, Local as well as National government and has extensive experience in Human Resources Management, Psychometric Assessment and Organisational Development. She is also a researcher within the field of Organisational downsizing and has served as Conference Director for the annual SSI Women in Leadership Conference since 2013.

Anntha Engelbrecht
Industrial Psychologist
Anntha holds a B.Com (Honours) in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from the University of South Africa as well as a M.Com in Industrial and Organisational Psychology degree obtained from the North West University (NWU). She is registered as an Industrial Psychologist (independent practice) with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
She has extensive experience in the application of Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management methodology within the corporate environment and is highly proficient at understanding the importance of aligning the HR strategy to business strategies in order to increase stakeholder value. Her passion is to understand specific business needs and provide clients with a holistic HR workforce solution that meets organisational demands.
Elmi Swart
Office Manager
Elmi is a key member of the team and holds a comprehensive background in administration and a degree in Business Management. She is the backbone of the practice, managing all operational facets with specific focus on administration and communication.